Summary statistics for “Exome sequencing identifies rare damaging variants in ATP8B4 and ABCA1 as risk factors for Alzheimer’s Disease”

This link provides the burden test results (summary statistics) for the publication:

“Exome sequencing identifies rare damaging variants in ATP8B4 and ABCA1 as risk factors for Alzheimer’s Disease”,

Nature Genetics, 2022.

Format: tab-separated-value.


  • gene_stable_id: Ensembl gene id
  • gene_name: standard gene name
  • pvalue: burden test significance (likelihood ratio test, population structure correction based on 6 PCA components)
  • cmac_all: sum of minor allele dosages across all contributing samples and variants
  • group: variant group (LOF, LOF+REVEL>=75, LOF+REVEL>=50, LOF+REVEL>=25, see publication methods for further selection criteria).
  • beta/se: beta/se of logistic ordinal regression (see publication methods). Positive = risk-increasing. Negative = risk-decreasing.